Thursday, April 30, 2009

Its's Like A Jungle Again

I am truly not holding up to my personal bargain with myself to blog more often. Life for me is still hectic, living between two cities, working several part time jobs, quilting,getting laptop fixed and living my life to its fullest. Yes I would like a moment to stop and breath, but for every free moment I have I fill it up with something I call my relaxation ~ quilting. Last Wednesday I was able to go a quild meeting and it felt so good. I had not been able to visit the first quild I joined due to traveling. Saturday I was able to visit my African American quilting sistahs and spend some time with them. The show and tell was nice and I hope one day soon to be able to show all of the projects I am working on. As a fabric junkie, I also make fabric postcards, mousepads, koozie, and journal quilts . I had began working on some fabric gifts to sell at my church family conference this June but I have been told that there is no room for any new vendors only the previous year vendors will be allowed to vend again???? So I am going to move forward making my gifts and I have Faith that the opportunity to exhibit and sell my work will come soon. I have been so blessed to have embroidery friends that turn me on to free sites and if I keep working on this program I have called EMBIRD I might soon be able to digitize my own designs.